
How to give rounded corners to a container for Microsoft Outlook email clients?

I have been trying to create a let's call it a badge component for the email design. It looks like this: badge component. It renders perfectly for all email clients except Microsoft Outlook because of its rounded corners. I do know that MSO does not support border-radius so I tried using VML that is as follows:

      {`<!--[if mso]>
            <center style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;">`}
          <!--[if !mso]><!-->`}
      <span className={`badge-${props.type}`} style={{ ...BADGE_STYLES, backgroundColor: bgColor }}>
      {'<!-- <![endif]-->'}

Now I can see the component with rounded corners but without text like this: badge component The width and height are fixed. If I increase the height I can see that the text is there e.g. badge component but with the required height it is not there like the overflow is hidden. How can I achieve the desired design for the component in MSO or what am I missing? I'll really appreciate the help. Thank you.


  • MS Outlook appears to require a minimum padding in its rendering of the 'roundrect'.

    As such it may be a bit bigger than other badges.

    But, you can improve this. You have a line-height of 20px but the font-size is 12px. It's only one line, so this produces a gap. Remove it.

    Second, you can wrap the <center> text in mso with a textbox and style mso-fit-shape-to-text:true (HT:, so it doesn't get clipped, like my test sample:

    <!--[if mso]>
          <v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" style="mso-wrap-style:none; mso-position-horizontal: center;height:20px;" arcsize="50%" stroke="f" fillcolor="#333333">
            <v:textbox style="mso-fit-shape-to-text:true">
            <center style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;color:#eeeeee">badge</center>
          <!--[if !mso]><!-->
      <span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;line-height:12px;border-radius:50px;background-color:#333333;color:#eeeeee;padding:3px 4px">
      <!-- <![endif]-->

    mso-position-horizontal: center; is a way of centering the text within the shape.