I am using EditorJs(block styled text editor) to create a note taking app im trying to count the number of characters for every block i tried adding some javascirpt code in the onChange method of the editorJs but didnt work as i expected here is the current code of editorJs configuration:
const editor = new EditorJS({
holder: "editorjs",
logLevel: "ERROR",
data: editorData,
onReady: () => {
ejInstance.current = editor;
onChange: async (api, event) => {
let content = await editor.save();
let blockIndex = api.blocks.getCurrentBlockIndex();
let currentBlock = content.blocks.at(blockIndex - 1).data;
autofocus: true,
tools: { marker: Marker, unerline: Underline },
This was added to the editorJs by the developers you can check this blogpost to see how you can implement this in your project https://codex.so/editorjs-max-length