
SCSS file compiles in Visual Studio 2019 but not in 2022

I have a number of import statements at the top of the SCSS file in a project I've inherited. Here are the relevant statements:

@import "node_modules/bulma/bulma.sass";
@import "node_modules/buefy/src/scss/buefy.scss";

Using Webcompiler, the SCSS file compiles in Visual Studio 2019. However, when I try to compile it in Visual Studio 2022 I get an error saying it can't find the bulma stylesheet. I tried adding "node_modules" to the includePath in the SASS section of compilerconfig.json.defaults. This seemed to work for the bulma stylesheet but I then got that same error on the buefy stylesheet. The files are definitely present (otherwise it wouldn't compile in VS2019).

Anyone any ideas? Is there a setting in Visual Studio 2022 that I'm missing?



  • the extension webcompiler does not work with visual studio 2022 (not sure if it will be fixed)