In AWS CDK v2 the ECS TaskDefinition L2 construct has an optional property TaskRole if not specified CDK default behavior is to create a task role. However I do not want a task role set for this resource, it is not actually required in AWS - the Task Definition can function without this property. How can i manage that in CDK? I can't see any way to unset that task role or not have it generated in the first place. Do I need to step back to the L1 construct for this? My configuration:
taskDefinition := awsecs.NewEc2TaskDefinition(stack, jsii.String(deploymentEnv+service.Tag+"TaskDef"), &awsecs.Ec2TaskDefinitionProps{
Family: jsii.String(deploymentEnv + service.Tag),
NetworkMode: awsecs.NetworkMode_BRIDGE,
//TaskRole: what can i do here to fix this
Volumes: &[]*awsecs.Volume{
You can remove arbitrary child constructs by ID, using the tryRemoveChild escape hatch method:
// remove the role
// remove the reference to the role
t := taskDefinition.Node().DefaultChild().(awsecs.CfnTaskDefinition)
The trick is identifying the construct ID. You sometimes need to look for it in the source code.