
Powershell, SQL Server, SQLBULKCOPY: Importing NULL Values in .csv

I'm using a Powershell script found at ((https://blog.netnerds.net/2015/01/powershell-high-performance-techniques-for-importing-csv-to-sql-server/) to load data from quotes delimited, comma separated .csv in to a SQL Server (2016) database.

I've (for now) changed the Powershell script to use this line (KeepNulls instead of TableLock):

`$bulkcopy = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy($connectionstring,([System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions]::KeepNulls))

I'm making an assumption that KeepNulls will populate a column in the SQL table with a NULL value if the corresponding field in the source .csv is empty:


So the copied, row (2) in the SQL table, if KeepNulls behaves as I anticipate, should have a NULL value in the Lastname column. It doesn't, it's an empty string.

Does KeepNulls behave in a different manner than I'm expecting it to?

Also, how do I correctly configure SqlBulkCopy to use both KeepNulls and TableLock?


  • Jeroen Mostert has provided the crucial pointers in comments on the question; let me build on them:

    The following code (PSv5+) populates a DataTable instance from a CSV with matching column names, and replaces all empty CSV fields with [DBNull]::Value:

    using namespace System.Data
    # Create the data table that will serve as the copy source.
    $dt = [DataTable]::new('source')
    # Note that columns support NUL ([DBNull]::Value) values by default.
    $dt.Columns.AddRange([DataColumn[]] (
      @{ ColumnName = 'FirstName'; DataType = [string] }, 
      @{ ColumnName = 'Lastname'; DataType = [string] }
    # Populate the table from the input CSV and replace empty fields
    # with [DBNull]::Value
    # Note: A string literal with ConvertFrom-Csv is used here.
    #       In your real code, use Import-Csv with a file path.
    '@ | 
      ConvertFrom-Csv |
      ForEach-Object {
        $dr = $dt.NewRow()
        foreach ($p in $_.psobject.Properties) {
          $dr[$p.Name] = if ('' -eq $p.Value) { [DbNull]::Value } else { $p.Value }

    You should then be able to use $dt as the data source in SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer calls.