So I have a datagrid, with editable rows where the user can edit and add rows. I want the user to have a limit on each different row cell field. For example, smallNumber will have 3 and description will have 15. I am using Kendo UI and React v18.2.0
<Column field="smallNumber " title="Small NR" />
<Column field="stationDescription" title="DESCRIPTION" />
And itemChange func is like:
const itemChange = (event) => {
const newData = =>
item.dataFieldID === event.dataItem.dataFieldID
? { ...item, [event.field || ""]: event.value, changed: true }
: item
If I add a maxLength={3} to the column for ex, it will give me a 500 server error. I want to use the onItemChange event, and check the value lenght for that field. If it is over 5, then the values in the state wont be updated, but i dont know how to do it. And also how to do it for different fields such as SmallNumber which needs less than 3 and Description that needs less than 15.
Found the solution: Initialized the max length for each column
const itemsLength = {
stationDescription: 225,
stationNumber: 3
And then changed the newData funx like this
const newData = =>
item.stationID === event.dataItem.stationID
? { ...item, [event.field || ""]: event.value.length <= itemsLength[event.field] ? event.value : item[event.field], changed: true }
: item