I want to customize QGroundControl (QGC) ground control station for a project I'm working. I have pulled the latest stable release (Branch Stable_V4.2) from git and I am currently stuck in the process of running QGC from source code.
I have followed: QT -> File -> Open File or Project -> "qgroundcontrol.pro" and chose "Desktop Qt 6.4.2 MSVC2019 64bit" kit but as soon as the project opens I get an error named ":-1: error: Project ERROR: Unsupported Qt version, 5.11+ is required".
I checked Help -> System Information page and saw the following output:
If I understand correctly, I installed QT using the online installer and it says it has the QT version 6.4.0. I can't figure out wht it says version 5.11+ is required when the condition is seemingly met.
Thank you for your answers in advance.
As chehrlic pointed out,
QGroundControl needs Qt5, not Qt6
Therefore installing and using Qt5 solved the problem.