I am a Pytorch newbie and am very interested in using the DCGAN architecture to feed in .npy files and hopefully generate new .npy files. The shape of the numpy files is (128, 7752).
Could anyone help me disect the DCGAN architecture to try and solve this problem
At this point it is very theoretical. I know it is possible, i just dont know enough to alter the DCGAN architecture.
First of all, what is inside your .npy files?
Although DCGAN is a powerful architecture, it is especially helpful for image data. Of course, you could consider any 2d data as images, but the results may be disappointing. In your case, even if the .npy files are images, they are likely too big to be generated with a vanilla DCGAN. You will run out of memory or simply have extremely poor results.
GANs are known to be quite challenging to train when it comes to large data and great diversity here is an article that reviews the main difficulties of training GANs.
Nevertheless, if you are willing to try anyway, here are the main steps that you should follow:
I hope this helps.