Given an xfade transition filter such as this:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 5 -i 1.png -loop 1 -t 5 -i 2.png -filter_complex "[0][1]xfade=transition=slideleft:duration=1:offset=4,format=yuv420p" output.mp4
Is it possible to alter the timing/easing of the xfade transition? For instance, the above slideleft transition seems to be linear in the output video. How could one achieve a non-linear easing such as a cubic ease in for the transition between the two clips?
xfade custom transition, slideleft with easing
ffmpeg \
-loop 1 -t 1.1 -i in1.png \
-loop 1 -t 1.1 -i in2.png \
-filter_complex "
" -y /tmp/output.mp4
ffplay -loop 0 /tmp/output.mp4