I have my networking library based on Combine. Anywhere in my app I can make a request and the networking library returns a publisher, it doesn't have access to the AnyCancellable that is created that actually triggers the pipeline. What I need is the ability to cancel all network requests when the use logs out. Is there a way to cancel Combine pipelines from the publisher not the AnyCancellable.
Here is an example:
var subscribers = [AnyCancellable]()
let url = URL(string:"https://www.apeth.com/pep/manny.jpg")!
let request: AnyPublisher<UIImage, URLError> = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.compactMap { UIImage(data:$0.data) }
.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in
print("subscription2 completed")
}, receiveValue: { image in
print("subscription1 value: \(image.scale)")
.store(in: &subscribers)
// request.cancel()
I would like to call something like request.cancel() on the publisher so that the receiveValue is never triggered.
What I need is the ability to cancel all network requests when the use logs out.
I suggest you setup a publisher that emits when the user logs out. Then in your API system, you can use prefix(untilOutputFrom: logoutPublisher)
That way, all your network requests will cancel when the logoutPublisher emits.