
Trying to grab text from Generator in Powershell

I'm trying to use a

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri a] name generator site |Select-Object yadda yadda

to get a 3 word "sweet street name" from this site but I am unable to get it to get the right content or find the text when parsing the site. Can someone help me?

Tried to find content on page in powershell but am unable to see the text generated only that it's spanid is $name. I'm generally new to powershell so unsure of how to move forward


  • In this particular case, you can get the list of generated street names from that site like this:

    $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://www.lingerandlook.com/Names/StreetNameGenerator.htm'
    $table   = @($request.ParsedHtml.getElementsByClassName('tlist'))[0]
    $table.deleteRow(0) # remove the top table row 'If you want to invent your own name...'
    # next move through all the data rows and join the content of its cells to form a street name
    $streetList = foreach ($row in $table.Rows) {
        ($row.Cells | ForEach-Object { $_.innerText }) -join ' '
    # output the resulting array to console
    # or save it to some file
    $streetList | Set-Content -Path 'X:\Somewhere\StreetList.txt'


    Amber Acorn Acres
    Auburn Anchor Alcove
    Bent Apple Arbor
    Big Autumn Avenue
    Birch Axe Bank
    Blue Barn Bayou
    Bright Beacon Bend
    Broad Bear Bluff
    Burning Beaver Byway
    Calm Berry Canyon
    Cinder Bird Chase
    Clear Blossom Circle
    Cold Bluff Corner
    Colonial Branch Court
    Cool Bridge Cove
    Cotton Brook Crest
    Cozy Butterfly Cut
    Crimson Butternut Dale
    Crystal Castle Dell
    Dewy Chestnut Drive
    Dusty Cider Edge
    Easy Cloud Estates
    Emerald Cottage Falls
    Fallen Creek Farms
    Foggy Crow Field
    Gentle Dale Flats
    Golden Deer Gardens
    Grand Diamond Gate
    Green Dove Glade
    Happy Elk Glen
    Harvest Elm Grove
    Hazy Embers Haven
    Heather Fawn Heights
    Hidden Feather Highlands
    High Flower Hollow
    Honey Forest Isle
    Hush Fox Jetty
    Indian Gate Journey
    Iron Goat Knoll
    Ivory Goose Lace
    Jagged Grove Lagoon
    Lazy Harbor Landing
    Little Hickory Lane
    Lone Hills Ledge
    Lonely Holly Manor
    Long Horse Meadow
    Lost Island Mews
    Merry Lake Niche
    Middle Lamb Nook
    Misty Leaf Orchard
    Noble Log Pace
    Old Maple Park
    Orange Mill Pass
    Pearl Mountain Path
    Pied Nectar Pike
    Pleasant Nest Place
    Pretty Nut Point
    Quaint Oak Promenade
    Quaking Panda Quay
    Quiet Peach Race
    Red Pebble Ramble
    Rocky Pine Ridge
    Rose Pioneer Road
    Rough Pond Round
    Round Pony Rove
    Rustic Prairie Run
    Sandy Pumpkin Saunter
    Shady Quail Shoal
    Silent Rabbit Stead
    Silver Rise Street
    Sleepy River Stroll
    Small Robin Summit
    Square Rock Swale
    Still Shadow Terrace
    Stony Sky Trace
    Strong Snake Trail
    Sunny Spring Trek
    Sweet Squirrel Turn
    Tawny Stone Twist
    Tender Swan Vale
    Thunder Timber Valley
    Turning Treasure View
    Twin Turtle Villa
    Umber View Vista
    Velvet Wagon Wander
    White Willow Way
    Windy Zephyr Woods