I have a Watson Assistant integrated on a web-page using the following block:
const customLanguagePack = {
"options_select": "Wählen Sie eine Option aus",
window.watsonAssistantChatOptions = {
integrationID: "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx", // The ID of this integration.
region: "eu-de", // The region your integration is hosted in.
serviceInstanceID: "xxxx", // The ID of your service instance.
showCloseAndRestartButton: true,
onLoad: function(instance : any) {
const t=document.createElement('script');
t.src="https://web-chat.global.assistant.watson.appdomain.cloud/versions/" + (window.watsonAssistantChatOptions.clientVersion || 'latest') + "/WatsonAssistantChatEntry.js";
As you can see, I render the close and reset button. My problem is, that when clicking on the exit button, the following modal appears with english Text:
I want to change the egnlish text into some custom german text. In the best case I want to customize the title, the text and the button text.
How can I change the Text of those three elements? I tried to add the following keys to the customLanguagePack
, but those do not apply, probably because the keys are not correct.
I think I just need the right keys, but I can not find them on the documentation.
Thanks in advance.
try this
const customLanguagePack = {
"closeAndRestartModal_message": "put your German text here"
You can find all the texts here: https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/assistant-web-chat/blob/main/languages/en.json