I have the following table x
which looks like this:
> x <- table(married_working_women$fem_ed, married_working_women$hom_ed)
> rownames(x) <- c("< HS", "HS", "> HS")
> colnames(x) <- c("< HS", "HS", "> HS")
> x
< HS HS > HS
< HS 2410 112 283
HS 63 83 55
> HS 44 49 172
I create the Mosaic plot using the following code:
main = "Education Levels of Working Spouses",
xlab = "Wife's Education",
ylab = "Husband's Education",
las = 1, color = brewer.pal(3, name = "Pastel2"))
which gives this result:
Now I want to add the numbers in the table x
, and maybe also the percentages, to the mosaic plot. Here is an example:
I tried to use mosaic
function, but it gives an error:
> library(vcd)
> mosaic(x, labeling = labeling_cells(text = round(x, 2)), legend = TRUE)
Error in `[.default`(c(2410, 63, 44, 112, 83, 49, 283, 55, 172), `NA` = NA_character_, :
subscript out of bounds
Can someone please give me a hint as to how to add labels to the mosaicplot
function? Thank you very much in advance.
I'm not sure why, but the key was to never use colnames(x)
and rownames(x)
. You should use dimnames(x)
instead when creating your table. Code was based on this RStudio post and this StackOverflow post.
x <- read_delim("
2410 112 283
63 83 55
44 49 172", col_names = FALSE)
x <- as.table(as.matrix(x))
dimnames(x) <- list(A = c("< HS", "HS", "> HS"),
B = c("< HS", "HS", "> HS"))
percentages <- round(100*prop.table(x), 3)
txt <- as.table(matrix(paste0(x, "; ", percentages, "%"), 3, 3))
dimnames(txt) <- dimnames(x)
vcd::mosaic(x, pop = F, shade = T, colorize = T,
gp = gpar(fill = matrix(c("grey", "green", "red", "blue", "yellow", "blue", "red", "green", "grey"), 3, 3)))
labeling_cells(text = txt, margin = 0)(x)