I'm an electrical contractor and I made a worksheet to help me bid projects. Say I'm bidding on wiring a new house. I have broken down each task "outlet"/"Switch" to materials and labor needed for each task. Those materials are then multiplied by the quantity needed and populate 3 different tables automatically.
Here is the process: (24 outlets are needed for this job)
"Bid Cut Sheet" Sheet where quantities of specific tasks are entered.
What I am trying to do is populate rows in EACH table where materials are needed. Essentially consolidate the data in EACH table by eliminating with quantities of 0 and ADDING rows with quantities >0 and fill down rows with material needed: updating every time data is entered in the "Bid Cut Sheet"
This code eliminates values of 0 after I run the code, but does not update data entered in the "bid cut sheet" after I run the code. Also, I would like this to be imbedded in the workbook so I dont have to run the code each time I use the workbook.
Sub DeleteRowsBasedonCellValue()
'Declare Variables
Dim i As Long, LastRow As Long, Row As Variant
Dim listObj As ListObject
Dim tblNames As Variant, tblName As Variant
Dim colNames As Variant, colName As Variant
'Names of tables
tblNames = Array("Rough_Material", "Trim_Material", "Service_Material")
colNames = Array("Rough", "Trim", "Service")
'Loop Through Tables
For i = LBound(tblNames) To UBound(tblNames)
tblName = tblNames(i)
colName = colNames(i)
Set listObj = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MaterialSheet").ListObjects(tblName)
'Define First and Last Rows
LastRow = listObj.ListRows.Count
'Loop Through Rows (Bottom to Top)
For Row = LastRow To 1 Step -1
With listObj.ListRows(Row)
If Intersect(.Range, _
listObj.ListColumns(colName).Range).Value = 0 Then
End If
End With
Next Row
Next i
End Sub
This is what it looks like after running the code, it works one time but does not update.
If I understand your question correctly, what you are looking for is something like this:
Sub DeleteRowsBasedonCellValue()
'Declare Variables
Dim LastRow As Long, FirstRow As Long
Dim Row As Long
Dim columns As Variant, column As Variant
columns = Array("A", "D", "G")
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") '<- type the name of the Worksheet here
'Define First and Last Rows
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
'Loop Through Columns
For Each column In columns
'Loop Through Rows (Bottom to Top)
For Row = LastRow To FirstRow Step -1
If .Range(column & Row).Value = 0 Then
.Range(column & Row).Resize(1, 2).Delete xlShiftUp
End If
Next Row
Next column
End With
End Sub
Test it out and see if this does what you want.
Alternatively, it might be wiser to be more explicit and make the code more flexible. If your tables are actually formatted as tables, you can also loop over these so-called ListObjects
. That way, if you insert columns/rows in the future, the code won't break.
To do this, you could use code like this:
Sub DeleteRowsBasedonCellValue()
'Declare Variables
Dim i As Long, LastRow As Long, Row As Variant
Dim listObj As ListObject
Dim tblNames As Variant, tblName As Variant
Dim colNames As Variant, colName As Variant
'The names of your tables
tblNames = Array("Rough_Materials", "Trim_Materials", "Service_Materials")
colNames = Array("quantity_rough", "quantity_trim", "quantity_service")
'The name of the column the criterion is applied to inside each table
'Loop Through Tables
For i = LBound(tblNames) To UBound(tblNames)
tblName = tblNames(i)
colName = colNames(i)
Set listObj = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").ListObjects(tblName)
'Define First and Last Rows '^- the name of the Worksheet
LastRow = listObj.ListRows.Count
'Loop Through Rows (Bottom to Top)
For Row = LastRow To 1 Step -1
With listObj.ListRows(Row)
If Intersect(.Range, _
listObj.ListColumns(colName).Range).Value = 0 Then
End If
End With
Next Row
Next i
End Sub
Edit in response to your comment:
Make sure your table is actually formatted as a table and has been given the right name! You can also change the table names in your code to your liking in the line tblNames = Array("Rough_Materials", "Trim_Materials", "Service_Materials")
. Also, the column names have to be correct/you should adapt them in the code: colNames = Array("quantity_rough", "quantity_trim", "quantity_service")