
Using Batch to copy file attributes (at least Created,LastWrite,LastAccess) from 1 file to a 2nd

I am trying to copy attributes for *.mkv *.mp4 video files. I have found a way to copy file attributes, but it is quite slow as it is calling Powershell to use it commands.

powershell ^(ls '!orig-file!'^).CreationTime = ^(ls '%%I'^).CreationTime
powershell ^(ls '!orig-file!'^).LastWriteTime = ^(ls '%%I'^).LastWriteTime
powershell ^(ls '!orig-file!'^).LastAccessTime = ^(ls '%%I'^).LastAccessTime
%%I equals new-file for each FOR loop iteration

Is there a way to do this faster without Powershell?

Otherwise, I assume it would be possible to only call Powershell once and copy all 3 or more attributes in 1 line? I'am assuming that reading each file attribute individually is the only way to copy, but I would prefer all attributes if there are any more to copy.

EDIT: FULL CODE: (with all remarked/commented lines removed) ( Batch Convert Videos audio from one format to another )


SET drive="~dp0"
SET string=%CD%  

SETlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
SET "drive=G:"
SET ^"Exclude-AlltheseFolders=#snapshot,output^"
SET "Convert_Audio1=Y"
SET "Convert_TO=aac"
SET "Codec1=eac3"
SET "Codec2=flac"
SET "Codec3=dts" &SET "Codec4=pcm_s24le" &SET "Codec5=aac" &SET "Codec6=ac3"
SET "KeepExtraAudio_NoOrig=Y"
SET "KeepOrigAudio=N"
SET "OverWriteFiles=N"
SET "ExtractTime=Y"
SET "time_to_start_from=00:00:10" &SET "duration_to_capture=00:00:15"
SET "TempFilePath=C:\Windows\Temp\ffmpeg-CountingScript-AllFilesInCurrentDirlist%DT%--%HH%.%MM%.%SS%.txt"

IF !ExtractTime! == Y ( SET "FFmpgextractTime= -ss !time_to_start_from! -t !duration_to_capture!")
IF !OverWriteFiles! == Y (SET "OverWrite=-y ") ELSE (SET "OverWrite=-n ")
IF !Convert_Audio1! == Y (
    IF !Convert_TO! == aac ( set "Convert_TO=libfdk_aac" )
    SET "FFmpgConvertStream1=-c:a:0 !Convert_TO! -b:a:0 640k -disposition:a:0 default"
    IF !KeepExtraAudio_NoOrig! == Y (
        SET "FFmpgXtraStream=-c:a copy"
    IF !KeepOrigAudio! == Y (
        SET "KeepOrigAudio_ffMpg=-map 0:a:0? -c:a:0 copy"
        SET "KeepExtraAudio_NoOrig=Y"
) ELSE (
    SET "ConvertCodecs=1" 
    SET "KeepOrigAudio_ffMpg=-c:a:0 copy"
    SET "KeepExtraAudio_NoOrig=Y"
SET "delm1=^\^>" /c:"^\^<"
SET ^"Exclude-Final=/c:"\^<!Exclude-AlltheseFolders!\^>"^"
SET ^"Exclude-Final=!Exclude-Final:,=%delm1%!^"

dir *.mkv *.mp4 /A-D-H /B /S |findstr /R %Exclude-Final% /v /i>%TempFilePath%
Echo:   These are the folders being Excluded:           "!Exclude-AlltheseFolders!"

SETlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
SET "ProgramFolder=C:\Program Files\FFmpeg-v2020\bin"
SET "ProbeOptions=-v quiet -select_streams a:0 -show_entries "stream^^=codec_name" -of json"
SET "FilesFound=0" & SET "FilesEncoded=0" & SET "output="
for /F "delims=" %%I in (%TempFilePath%) do (
    SET "output=%drive%%%~pI%%~nxI" & SET folder=%drive%%%~pI & SET "filename=%%~nxI" & SET /A FilesFound+=1
    SETlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
    IF exist "%drive%%%~pIoutput\%%~nxI" (SET "Convert_Audio1=N") ELSE SET "Convert_Audio1=Y"
    IF "!Convert_Audio1!" == "Y" (
        SET "AudioCodec=" & SET "ConvertCodecs="
        for /F "eol={ tokens=1,2 delims=,:[ ]{} " %%B in ('""%ProgramFolder%\ffprobe.exe" %ProbeOptions% "%%I""') do (
            IF "%%~B" == "codec_name" (
                IF not defined AudioCodec (
                    SET "AudioCodec=%%~C"
                IF "%%~C" == "%Codec1%" (SET "ConvertCodecs=1"
            ) else IF "%%~C" == "%Codec2%" (SET "ConvertCodecs=1" & ECHO Codec is: %%~C
            ) else IF "%%~C" == "%Codec3%" (SET "ConvertCodecs=1" & ECHO Codec is: %%~C
            ) else IF "%%~C" == "%Codec4%" (SET "ConvertCodecs=1" & ECHO Codec is: %%~C
            ) else IF "%%~C" == "%Codec5%" (SET "ConvertCodecs=1" & ECHO Codec is: %%~C
            ) else IF "%%~C" == "%Codec6%" (SET "ConvertCodecs=1" & ECHO Codec is: %%~C

IF !ConvertCodecs! == 1 (
    ECHO [91m==!TIME!================[0m!Codec1! [94min[0m- %%I [91m=========[0m

IF !ConvertCodecs! == 1 (
    IF /I "!output!" == "%%I" (
        SET "output=%~dp0output\!filename!"
        MKDIR "%~dp0output\"
    ) ELSE (
        MKDIR "%drive%%%~pI"
        SET "FINALCOMMAND=ffmpeg !OverWrite!-hide_banner%FFmpgextractTime% -loglevel quiet -hwaccel auto -stats -i "%%I" -map 0:v -map_metadata 0 -movflags use_metadata_tags -map 0:a? -map 0:s:0? -c:s:0 copy -c:v copy %FFmpgXtraStream% %FFmpgConvertStream1% %KeepOrigAudio_ffMpg% "!output!" "
        ECHO this is the command1: !FINALCOMMAND!
        ECHO [91m=====[0mCOMPLETE[91m===============[0m .
        IF not %FilesEncoded% == 0 ECHO     This one was a failure. Count Encoded so far: "%FilesEncoded%"
        IF not errorlevel 1 SET /A FilesEncoded+=1
        powershell ^(ls '!output!'^).CreationTime = ^(ls '%%I'^).CreationTime
        powershell ^(ls '!output!'^).LastWriteTime = ^(ls '%%I'^).LastWriteTime
        powershell ^(ls '!output!'^).LastAccessTime = ^(ls '%%I'^).LastAccessTime

        for /F "delims=" %%p in ("!ConvertCodecs!") do (
            ECHO THIS IS P: %%p
            SET /A FilesEncoded=%%p+FilesEncoded

    ) ELSE ( ECHO ##NOT PROCESSING##: !TIME! - %%I ## & ECHO [91m=====--[0mFILE ALREADY EXISTS! [91m======================[0m Next File [91m===========================[0m )

IF %FilesFound% == 1 ( SET "PluralS=" ) else SET "PluralS=s"
ECHO [91m***************************************************************************************[0m
ECHO Re-encoded %FilesEncoded% of %FilesFound% video file%PluralS%.
ECHO [91m***************************************************************************************[0m
exit /b


  • The following copies the specified attributes using a single powershell.exe call:

    powershell "$target = gi '!orig-file!'; $source = gi '%%i'; 'CreationTime', 'LastWriteTime', 'LastAccessTime' | foreach { $target.$_ = $source.$_ }"

    Note that the above could still fail in the following cases: