My requirement is to create a dynamic resource Confluent Schema. Below is the file. Basically, need to include map type object and will be creating different Schema by passing name and file attributes. What changes to be done on below highlighted "schema" file parameter so that it can be included in the for_each block?
resource "confluent_schema" "sample_avro_schema" {
schema_registry_cluster {
id =
rest_endpoint = confluent_schema_registry_cluster.essentials.rest_endpoint
for_each = toset(var.subject_name_avro)
subject_name = each.key
format = "AVRO"
**schema = file("modules/confluent_kafka_cluster_dedicated/schemas/sample_schema_avro.avsc")**
credentials {
key =
secret = confluent_api_key.env-manager-schema-registry-api-key.secret
Variable declaration as below: file
variable "subject_name_avro" {
description = "AVRO Schema Name"
type = list(string)
default = ["avro-topic-value"]
And I am running this execution using .tfvars file:
subject_name_avro = ["avro-topic-1-value"]
My requirement is to include below changes in .tfvars file. Kindly suggest what resource and variable level changes to be done to include schema file parameter dynamically.
subject_name_avro = [
subject_name_avro = "avro-topic-1-value"
schema = file("modules/confluent_kafka_cluster_dedicated/schemas/sample_schema_avro1.avsc")
subject_name_avro = "avro-topic-2-value"
schema = file("modules/confluent_kafka_cluster_dedicated/schemas/sample_schema_avro2.avsc")
Sample file content "sample_schema_avro.avsc"
"type": "record",
"namespace": "io.confluent.developer.avro",
"name": "Purchase",
"fields": [
"name": "item",
"type": "string"
"name": "amount",
"type": "double"
"name": "customer_id",
"type": "string"
You can't use file
in a variabiles. You can use only path in your case:
subject_name_avro = [
subject_name_avro = "avro-topic-1-value"
schema = "./modules/confluent_kafka_cluster_dedicated/schemas/sample_schema_avro1.avsc"
subject_name_avro = "avro-topic-2-value"
schema = "./modules/confluent_kafka_cluster_dedicated/schemas/sample_schema_avro2.avsc"
To iterate over this you can use count
or for_each
. With for_each
it would be:
resource "confluent_schema" "sample_avro_schema" {
for_each = {for idx, val in var.subject_name_avro: idx => val}
schema_registry_cluster {
id =
rest_endpoint = confluent_schema_registry_cluster.essentials.rest_endpoint
subject_name = each.value.subject_name_avro
format = "AVRO"
**schema = file(each.value.schema)
credentials {
key =
secret = confluent_api_key.env-manager-schema-registry-api-key.secret