
comment system where comments may have parents that are also comments but may be practically any resource

How do I design a comment system database where comments may have parents that are also comments but may be products, users, or practically any resource?

Current tables: tags, products, users, comments.

This is for a somewhat high traffic site, so I can't have it doing all kinds of craziness.


  • Do you want to have comments on products, users, reviews, etc? Or find the products, users, reviews, etc, that a comment is referring to?

    For the former, I would have tables to associate things with their comments:

    create table join_products_comments (
       product_id int (unique, i.e., one thread of comments per product),
       comment_thread_id int
    create table join_users_comments (
       user_id int (unique, i.e., one thread of comments per user),
       comment_thread_id int

    Where a comment_thread is just a reference to a thread that every comment references:

    create table comment_threads (
        thread_id int (PK),
        thread_name nvarchar2(256),
        created datetime
    create table comments (
        comment_id int (PK),
        comment_thread_id int (FK),
        parent_comment_id int (FK),
        user_id int (FK), -- person who posted the comment
        comment text,
        created datetime

    So every commentable entity in the system would have a join table and one comment_thread just waiting for eager users to add comments to. Or you could just link to a root comment instead and do without that indirection.