I am trying to create a compound text index on 2 nested fields that have the same name. The reason why I am trying to do this is so that I can perform full text search using mongo on both fields.
"createdAt": "2023-01-20T18:39:45.551Z",
"id": "63cadff13fc409d0b026f219",
"userId": "63c13a9ba4c921b78e7d1a3a",
"question": {
"statement": "what is the atomic number of potassium?",
"fileUrl": "http://localhost:4000/media/90152d8363424e688ad6e9505194a818.jpg",
"mediaType": 2
"answer": {
"statement": "19"
as you can see from the example, both question
and answer
have the same nested field statement
. I am trying to have a text index on both question and answer statements
textSearchIndexModel := mongo.IndexModel{
Keys: bson.D{
{Value: "question.statement", Key: "text"},
{Value: "answer.statement", Key: "text"},
Options: options.Index().SetName("textSearchIndex"),
this did not work and produced this error:
Failed to create index for flashcard collection:....caused by ::
The field 'text' appears multiple times in the index key pattern
p.s: if you are not familiar with go you can also upload how it would like on mongodb since the mapping to the mongodb go driver is pretty straight forward
Note that a collection can have at most one text index.
If you know this and want to create a text index that covers both "question.statement"
and "answer.statement"
, then that's doable.
The error on your part is the index specification: bson.D
represents a document, an ordered list of properties (name-value pairs). It's a slice of bson.E
where bson.E
type E struct {
Key string
Value interface{}
The Key
is the name of the property, Value
is the value of that property. So you got it backwards, it should be:
textSearchIndexModel := mongo.IndexModel{
Keys: bson.D{
{Key: "question.statement", Value: "text"},
{Key: "answer.statement", Value: "text"},
Options: options.Index().SetName("textSearchIndex"),