I need to simulate typing text with char-by-char delays using soft input keyboard on a WebView. I can't use WebView#dispatchKeyEvent because it's not suitable for typing Unicode text and does not simulate soft input keyboard.
I am overriding WebView#onCreateInputConnection to get a reference to the actual input connection being used by the webview so I can send input to it like soft input keyboard does:
class CustomWebView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): WebView(context, attrs) {
private var inputConnection: InputConnection? = null
override fun onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs: EditorInfo?): InputConnection? {
val newInputConnection = super.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs) ?: return inputConnection
inputConnection = newInputConnection
return newInputConnection
suspend fun sendTextInput(text: String, keyDelayStart: Long, keyDelayEnd: Long) {
val imm = context.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as? InputMethodManager ?:
throw Exception("could not get system's InputMethodManager")
val defer = CompletableDeferred<Int>()
// AsyncResultReceiver is a custom ResultReceiver which resolves a deferred on the callback
imm.showSoftInput(this, 0, AsyncResultReceiver(WeakReference(defer)))
val result = defer.await()
if (result == InputMethodManager.RESULT_HIDDEN || result == InputMethodManager.RESULT_UNCHANGED_HIDDEN)
throw Exception("could not show IME keyboard")
val ic = onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo()) ?:
throw Exception("could not create InputConnection")
for (char in text) {
ic.commitText(char.toString(), 1)
delay(Random.nextLong(keyDelayStart, keyDelayEnd))
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(windowToken, 0)
I tested by typing Hello, world!
on an input field, but when typing next chars it's clearing previous ones:
when typing backwards with ic.commitText(char.toString(), 0)
it types fully:
The test is running on Android 12.
replaces the contents of the actual composing region. To add new characters you need to move the composing region forward (the "cursor") with InputConnection#setComposingRegion()
. Try:
for (i in text.indices) {
ic.setComposingRegion(i, i + 1)
ic.commitText(text[i].toString(), 1)
delay(Random.nextLong(keyDelayStart, keyDelayEnd))