
I get the "default is not a constructor" error when trying to use `glidejs`

I have the following code:

import Glide from "@glidejs/glide";

const SectionSlider = () => {
const UNIQUE_CLASS = "random_string"
let MY_GLIDEJS = useMemo(() => {
    return new Glide(`.${UNIQUE_CLASS}`, {
      perView: itemPerRow,
      gap: 32,
      bound: true,
      breakpoints: {
        1280: {
          perView: itemPerRow - 1,
        1024: {
          gap: 20,
          perView: itemPerRow - 1,
        768: {
          gap: 20,
          perView: itemPerRow - 2,
        640: {
          gap: 20,
          perView: itemPerRow - 3,
        500: {
          gap: 20,
          perView: 1.3,

  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 100);

return (
    <div className={`${UNIQUE_CLASS} flow-root`}>

When rendering this component it throws this error:

TypeError: _glidejs_glide__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.default is not a constructor

Additionally the packages I am using (related with this issue) are:

"dependencies": {
    "@glidejs/glide": "^3.6.0",
    "react": "18.2.0",
"devDependencies": {
    "@types/glidejs__glide": "^3.6.0",

What is my mistake exactly?


  • Looks like Glide uses the now defunct module declaration (see this answer).

    From their package.json

    "module": "dist/glide.esm.js",

    According to Webpack documentation, this should still work but something else seems wrong. I'd try raising a bug.

    To work around this for now, you can use the following

    import Glide from "@glidejs/glide/dist/glide.modular.esm" // may need ".js"

    Note that @types/glidejs__glide only defines types for: