I created a structure with "Types":
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_pers_bst.
INCLUDE STRUCTURE zieb_pers_bst.
TYPES: lifname TYPE zieb_lieferant-lifname,
END OF ty_pers_bst.
data: i_structure_bst_add TYPE ty_pers_bst.
I now want to use 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' to create a fieldcatalog based on this structure. However I get the error, that no fieldcatalog can be found.
Is there an alternative on how I can add a single field to a preexisting fieldcatalog based on my "zieb_pers_bst" DDIC-Structure, or do I have to create a new DDIC-Structure solely for this single field?
Try this sample:
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_pers_bst.
TYPES: lifname TYPE lfa1-name1,
END OF ty_pers_bst.
DATA: i_structure_bst_add TYPE TABLE OF ty_pers_bst.
DATA: table TYPE REF TO data.
DATA: fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
CREATE DATA table LIKE i_structure_bst_add.
ASSIGN table->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<table>).
cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = DATA(salv_table)
CHANGING t_table = <table> ).
fcat = cl_salv_controller_metadata=>get_lvc_fieldcatalog(
r_columns = salv_table->get_columns( )
r_aggregations = salv_table->get_aggregations( ) ).
CATCH cx_root.