
Pester version 5 pass variables to test

I'm stuck on how to pass parameters to my Pester v5 tests.

This is my config-file in Pester:

Import-Module Pester -Force
$testFile = 'C:\PowerShell\MyTests\'

$tr = 'C:\PowerShell\MyTests\TEST-MyTests.xml'

$configuration = [PesterConfiguration]@{
  PassThru = $true
  Run = @{
     Path = $testFile
  Output = @{
     Verbosity = 'Detailed'

  TestResult = @{
     Enabled = $true
     OutputFormat = "NUnitXml"
     OutputPath   = $tr

Invoke-Pester -Configuration $configuration

This is my simple test where I need to pass value to variable testUrl, this value is now hard coded:

BeforeAll {
    $tesUrl = "https://test.com/"

Describe "Status of my testsystem" {
    It "Should be http code 200" {
        $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($tesUrl)
        $request.Method = "HEAD"
        $response = $request.GetResponse()
        $response.StatusCode | Should -Be 200

How can i pass parameters in to the Pester-test so I can run the test for several environments?


  • Per the documentation here: https://pester.dev/docs/usage/data-driven-tests#providing-external-data-to-tests

    You need to use New-PesterContainer to create an object with the test data you want to use, and then add that to your Pester configuration object under Run.Container :

    Import-Module Pester -Force
    $testFile = 'C:\PowerShell\MyTests\'
    $tr = 'C:\PowerShell\MyTests\TEST-MyTests.xml'
    $Container = New-PesterContainer -Path $testFile -Data @{ 
       testurl  = 'https://urlyouwanttotest.com/'
    $configuration = [PesterConfiguration]@{
      Run = @{
       PassThru = $true
       Container = $Container
      Output = @{
         Verbosity = 'Detailed'
      TestResult = @{
         Enabled = $true
         OutputFormat = "NUnitXml"
         OutputPath   = $tr
      Invoke-Pester -Configuration $configuration

    Your test file then needs to include a param block:

    BeforeAll {
        $tesUrl = $testUrl
    Describe "Status of my testsystem" {
        It "Should be http code 200" {
            $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($tesUrl)
            $request.Method = "HEAD"
            $response = $request.GetResponse()
            $response.StatusCode | Should -Be 200