In my Spring Boot application, I accept an audiofile as MultipartFile with @RequestParam
. I know, I can convert the file into some InputStream. I am also able to convert it into some byte array:
void transcribe(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(file.getInputStream());
byte[] byteArr = file.getBytes();
AudioConfig audioConfig = AudioConfig.???; //here the correct method with my file needs to be called
For transcription using Microsoft API, I need to create some Audioconfig
object. This is the link to the class.
I used in the past fromWavFileInput(...)
when I loaded a local audio file. But now, I need to be able to use the MultipartFile. I have no idea which method of the AudioConfig class I can use and how to convert the file correctly.
The idea is, to create a temp file and transfer the MultipartFile into it:
File tempFile = File.createTempFile("prefix-", "-suffix");
The use fromWavFileOutput
with the path of the temporary file:
AudioConfig audioConfig = AudioConfig.fromWavFileOutput(tempFile.getPath());
For me, the temp file exceeds its maximum permitted size. To get this solved, make sure to add spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=-1
in your file to set limit to infinity.