I have a filter object that comes from an OpenAPI spec; something like:
export interface Filters {
field1: string[]
field2: string[]
field3: boolean
field4: number
I'd like to derive a type from that filters interface by selecting the type of the properties:
Something like:
export type MultivalueFields = Select<Filters, string[]>
// type MultivalueFields = 'field1' | 'field2'
Is there a builtin for this? How can one get the desired outcome?
You can build a utility type such as follows:
type Values<T> = T[keyof T]
type Select<T, SelectType> = Values<{
[Prop in keyof T]: T[Prop] extends SelectType ? Prop : never
// typeof A = 'field1'
type A = Select<{field1: string[], field2: string}, string[]>
All credit goes to @captain-yossarian from Ukraine