
How to pass a Bash variable to Python?

I want to pass a variable from Bash to Python.

Bash script:

FILE_NAME=`head -$c somelist|tail -1`

/home/xxx/ $FILE_NAME

Python script:


How can I do this?

edit: I'm qsub jobs on SGE. two scripts are as below:

#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -o $HOME/sge_jobs_output/$JOB_ID.out -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -l mem_free=4G

cd /home/xxx/scratch/test/
FILENAME=`head -$c testlist|tail -1`
chmod +X


import sys  

for arg in sys.argv:  
    print arg  

print f[1]

However there's an error:

line 13: ./ Permission denied


  • Exported bash variables are actually environment variables. You get at them through the os.environ object with a dictionary-like interface. Note that there are two types of variables in Bash: those local to the current process, and those that are inherited by child processes. Your Python script is a child process, so you need to make sure that you export the variable you want the child process to access.

    To answer your original question, you need to first export the variable and then access it from within the python script using os.environ.

    #$ -V
    #$ -cwd
    #$ -o $HOME/sge_jobs_output/$JOB_ID.out -j y
    #$ -S /bin/bash
    #$ -l mem_free=4G
    cd /home/xxx/scratch/test/
    export FILENAME=`head -$c testlist|tail -1`
    chmod +X
    import sys
    import os
    for arg in sys.argv:  
        print arg  
    f=open('/home/xxx/scratch/test/' + os.environ['FILENAME'],'r').readlines()
    print f[1]

    Alternatively, you may pass the variable as a command line argument, which is what your code is doing now. In that case, you must look in sys.argv, which is the list of arguments passed to your script. They appear in sys.argv in the same order you specified them when invoking the script. sys.argv[0] always contains the name of the program that's running. Subsequent entries contain other arguments. len(sys.argv) indicates the number of arguments the script received.

    import sys
    import os
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <filename>'
    print 'This is the name of the python script: ' + sys.argv[0]
    print 'This is the 1st argument:              ' + sys.argv[1]
    f=open('/home/xxx/scratch/test/' + sys.argv[1],'r').readlines()
    print f[1]