I tried to make a function where User could import formatted file such as .csv
or .xlsx
I make the function using Maatwebsite excel library.
When I tried to insert the data to database, a cell that has value of today date 24/01/2023
is converted to 44950
My Import model kinda like this
public function model(array $row)
return new Event([
* Other attributes and columns
'date' => $row[1],
How to convert those value to 'Y-m-d'
I found the best solutions, idk what happened to the excel imported files, but this helps me.
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date;
public function model(array $row)
return new Event([
* Other attributes and columns
'date' => Date::excelToDateTimeObject($row[1]),
Source: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/issues/1978