A crucial part of the JetBrains
family of editors is the ability to customise their wonderful editor. I had thought that Fleet
would then provide exactly that. I don't see any "Import/Export Settings" and the keymap
is apparently limited presently to just three hard-coded options?
Are there any hidden ways to "get at" the keyboard shortcuts - that's essential for the viability of this too that I am really looking forward to using.
Import keymap from IntelliJ or another IDE: not possible right now and still not planned for any specific future version.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/FL-10312 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.
A request to bundle more keymaps: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/FL-15355
Also ...
... the number of default shortcuts is deliberately low, and only the most important actions have a default key binding. This allows for more freedom in assigning a custom shortcut when you need one.
Customizing keymap/shortcuts: please check the official help pages: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/fleet/keymap.html
Review and edit key bindings
Press Ctrl + Shift + K and start typing
Edit Keymap
. Select theEdit Keymap action
.The list of key bindings appears.
Export to/import from another Fleet installation/computer: I believe right now it will be just direct copying of config files ( https://www.jetbrains.com/help/fleet/keymap.html#93f97231 ):
for keymap (you can access it using the Edit Keymap JSON File
(the keymap
array there) -- you customizations made via IDE.IDE-wide settings files location: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/fleet/settings.html#user-settings-file-locations
Fleet settings are stored under
in the user directory:
OS Path Windows C:\Users\user_directory\.fleet\settings.json
Linux /home/user_directory/.fleet/settings.json
macOS /Users/user_directory/.fleet/settings.json