
How to view entire array in MongoDB shell without truncation?

I am trying to find out the distinct values of a field using the db.collections.distinct(<field>)command.

The above command retrieves all the distinct values of the given field inside an array. But as I have 12k documents all the values are not getting displayed in my console.

This is the output I get; how do I view the entire result?

> db.dummy.distinct("dineRatingCount")
  null,      '6391573', '7780279', '6434564', '6761878', '3310772',
  '7347435', '2657046', '1054165', '6351703', '3400666', '8380233',
  '9400183', '5708289', '4303540', '5921412', '3596752', '6677940',
  '5641409', '8683847', '2874620', '2392159', '6405989', '6682474',
  '9453088', '9335486', '8688344', '8036721', '9090412', '6045969',
  '5640223', '6820181', '9748932', '7040773', '3683845', '4162813',
  '7538482', '2764420', '5630659', '6304861', '5628430', '8011166',
  '1912403', '8855139', '8861703', '4175488', '6180727', '4914295',
  '2904422', '1187556', '4707649', '7010787', '5239511', '5149672',
  '2180740', '9855302', '6133666', '3072308', '7600516', '8670256',
  '1390702', '3632377', '5251961', '4552278', '6606445', '6243124',
  '1812204', '2213617', '2564475', '1788878', '5261363', '6731404',
  '8514847', '9289278', '7091775', '5936085', '4796291', '2735993',
  '1188367', '8907823', '5307456', '6924707', '7127922', '9730023',
  '8811050', '1113740',
  ... 302 more items

I have searched the internet and documentation but I was not able to find an answer.


  • The mongosh is a Node.js environment. There are several solutions, e.g. JSON.stringify the array or use util.inspect.

    util.inspect(db.collections.distinct(<field>), { maxArrayLength: null })