
How do I search for a nested @Indexed key in Redis redis-om-spring?

I am trying to search for a nested @Indexed field using redis-om-spring

For some reason a find returns expected 1 entry for level 1, but returns unexpected 0 entries for level 2.

I am not sure if I can only search one level deep or if I am making a mistake.

public class Application {
  ProductRepository productRepository;

  CommandLineRunner loadTestData() {
    return args -> {

      productRepository.save(new Product(new MyKey(new MyId("A_level2Key1"),"A_level1Key1"),"FirstColour"));
      productRepository.save(new Product(new MyKey(new MyId("B_level2Key1"),"B_level1Key1"),"SecondColour"));

      var byMyKeyLevel1Key = productRepository.findByMyKeyLevel1Key("A_level1Key1");
      System.out.println(byMyKeyLevel1Key.size());//returns expected 1 entry for level 1

      var byMyKeyMyIdLevel2Key = productRepository.findByMyKeyMyIdLevel2Key("A_level2Key1");
      System.out.println(byMyKeyMyIdLevel2Key.size());//returns unexpected 0 entries for level 2

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);



import com.redis.om.spring.annotations.Document;
import com.redis.om.spring.annotations.Indexed;
import com.redis.om.spring.annotations.Searchable;
public class Product {
    private MyKey myKey;

    private String colourDesc;


public interface ProductRepository extends RedisDocumentRepository<Product, String> {
    List<Product> findByMyKeyLevel1Key(String level1Key);

    List<Product> findByMyKeyMyIdLevel2Key(String level2Key);


import com.redis.om.spring.annotations.Indexed;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class MyKey {
    MyId myId;
    String level1Key;

Data in Redis:

Redis Data

FT.INFO "com.redis.om.documents.domain.ProductIdx"

From the logs, it generates searches:

FT.SEARCH "com.redis.om.documents.domain.ProductIdx" @myKey_level1Key:{A_level1Key1}

FT.SEARCH "com.redis.om.documents.domain.ProductIdx" @myKey_myId_level2Key:{A_level2Key1}


I start Redis with:

docker run -d --name redis-stack -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest


  • The issue is likely in the naming of the repository methods. I wrote your example as a test in the project repo, this will be using release 0.7.0 - but it should work with 0.6.x-SNAPSHOTs:

    The entity:

    @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Document public class Product {
      @Indexed @Id private MyKey myKey;
      @Searchable @NonNull private String colourDesc;

    The first-level key:

    @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class MyKey {
      @Indexed MyId myId;
      @Indexed String level1Key;
      @Override public String toString() {
        return myId.toString();

    The second-level key:

    @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class MyId {
      private String level2Key;
      @Override public String toString() {
        return level2Key;

    The repo, here's where things probably went wrong for you...

    public interface ProductRepository extends RedisDocumentRepository<Product, MyKey> {
      List<Product> findByMyKey_Level1Key(String level1Key);
      List<Product> findByMyKey_MyId_Level2Key(String level2Key);

    and here's a snippet of the test class I used:

      @Autowired ProductRepository productRepository;
      void setup() {
        productRepository.save(new Product(new MyKey(new MyId("A_level2Key1"),"A_level1Key1"),"FirstColour"));
        productRepository.save(new Product(new MyKey(new MyId("B_level2Key1"),"B_level1Key1"),"SecondColour"));
      void testFindNestedKeyValues() {
        var byMyKeyLevel1Key = productRepository.findByMyKey_Level1Key("A_level1Key1");
        var byMyKeyMyIdLevel2Key = productRepository.findByMyKey_MyId_Level2Key("A_level2Key1");

    Hope that helps! Thanks for trying Redis OM Spring!