
How do I resolve a ZenTest-4.6.2 successfully installed & missing gem?

I'm loosely going through and am at the point of preparing to test . I listed the autotest related gems in my Gemfile and ran bundle install without incident, but when I tried to start the server I got the error Could not find ZenTest-4.6.2 in any of the sources. So I added ZenTest 4.6.2 to my Gemfile and reran bundle install.

Now according to my bash terminal, my bundle is complete including Using ZenTest (4.6.2), but when I try to start my server I'm still getting the error Could not find ZenTest-4.6.2 in any of the sources. So is it installed or is it not installed? And how should I resolve this conflict?


  • It should just say: gem "ZenTest" in your gem file, not the version # as well.