The Azure WebPub bicep documentation mentions nothing about how to enable diagnostic settings to stream logs to a log analytics workspace, but the Azure Portal has an interface for it.
I am guessing that I have to create a Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings resource, buy the same thing applies here. No apparent documentation.
How do I enable diagnostics with bicep for Azure Web PubSub?
Thanks for getting me in the right direction @Thomas. Your category names were a bit off and I also needed a workspaceId in the properties. After many attempts I got the category names by simply exporting my manual configuration to ARM and saw that the names should be as below.
resource webPubSubDiagnosticSettings 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = {
name: '${webPubSubName}-DiagnosticSettings'
scope: webpubsub
properties: {
logs: [
category: 'ConnectivityLogs'
enabled: true
category: 'MessagingLogs'
enabled: true
category: 'HttpRequestLogs'
enabled: true
metrics: [
enabled: true
category: 'AllMetrics'