I Wish there is a way to get the amount of the characters of a Text Box Value so I can limit it to be the amount that I wanted. so like when someone entered 134131323 as the Year of Date, I can limit it to 4 characters.
Also I the programming language is VBA and I do it in Microsoft Access.
I Did try to get it working with doing txtTest.Value.Characters
idk but that did not work obviously and I DID SEARCH THE WHOLE INTERNET but I did not get A SINGLE RISULT. I Am a noob so someone help
Use the AfterUpdate event of the textbox:
Private Sub YourTextbox_AfterUpdate()
Const MaxLength As Integer = 4
Dim Text As String
Text = Nz(Me!YourTextbox.Value)
If Len(Text) > MaxLength Then
Me!YourTextbox.Value = Left(Text, MaxLength)
End If
End Sub