I'm using GCP with node 16 and firestore. I'm getting data of subcollection and update by id. In console.log(subCollect.id);
and console.log(subCollect.data());
the information logged is correct. In update command I receive the folowing error
var subCollecPromises = [];
var parentPromises = [];
var querySnapshot = await db.collectionGroup("mysubcollection")
.where('name', '==', "subname")
.where('sequence', '==', 2).get();
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
var data = doc.data();
var childRef;
var parentRef;
childRef = doc.ref.parent;
parentRef = childRef.parent;
const arrsubCollecSnap = await Promise.all(subCollecPromises);
const arrsubParentSnap = await Promise.all(parentPromises);
for (let index = 0; index < arrsubParentSnap.length; index++) {
const item = arrsubParentSnap[index];
var parentData = item.data();
var subCollect = arrsubCollecSnap[index];
await db.collection("mysubcollection").doc(subCollect.id)
.update({sequence: 3, datetime: new Date()});
await sendMail(parentData.mail);
Error in update:
Error: 5 NOT_FOUND: no entity to update: app: "dev~myapp-backend"
path <
Element {
type: "mysubcollection"
name: "Vuxx2Hy9xprtm7tZFyne"
code: 5,
details: 'no entity to update: app: "dev~myapp-backend"\n' +
'path <\n' +
' Element {\n' +
' type: "mysubcollection"\n' +
' name: "Vuxx2Hy9xprtm7tZFyne"\n' +
' }\n' +
metadata: Metadata {
internalRepr: Map(1) { 'content-type' => [Array] },
options: {}
note: 'Exception occurred in retry method that was not classified as transient'
The correct way for update a subcollection is starts at parent collection:
await db.collection("parentCollection").doc(parentId).collection("mysubcollection").doc(subCollect.id).update({sequence: 3, datetime: new Date()});