
Mithril JS input checkbox events and element refresh

Working on a SPA with Mithril.js (love it!), but having a problem with input checkboxes not behaving correctly when I assign an "onchange" listener to them.

var Widget = {
  view: function(vnode) {
    return m("div", [ 
      m("input[type=checkbox]", {
        id: "cb" +,
        checked: Boolean(vnode.attrs.state),
        onchange: function(e) {
            ( ? "ON" : "OFF"

The page will initially populate properly, with checkboxes in their correct state (on or off), but when clicking the checkbox... the checkbox element does not switch.

At first, I thought the onchange event was interrupting and blocking the DOM redraw. But, then found that if I removed the "checked: (true|false)" attribute the elements works as expected. Of course, this is not acceptable. The checkbox state needs to be presented according to it's current on/off state in the database.

I'm unsure if this is weirdness with Mithrils DOM redraw. Or some other strange behavior with HTML checkboxes and Javascript in general.

Here is a sample illustrating the broken behavior.

Any ideas are appreciated!


  • You are missing out changing the value the checkbox binds to so checked/unchecked will never change.

    something like this might help on the way

        onchange: function(e) {
          vnode.attrs.state =