
PromQL query to show the number of incoming requests accurately

I'm having this problem with grafana to query the number of requests incoming to my service. Using Prometheus-net on my dotnet core Service, I have the "http_requests_received_total" which is a counter metric.

I run a 100 requests to Postman, ideally what I'd like to see is that at 12:20, a 100 requests came in (which is visible from seeing the counter go from 0 requests to 100 requests). However, when using rate() or increase(), or sum(rate/increase), I keep getting approximate results and it's never an exact 100 requests.

Can anyone point me into a direction on how I can achieve this or read up upon it?



  • Prometheus may return fractional results from increase function because of extrapolation. See this issue for details. If you need exact integer results from increase() function, then try VictoriaMetrics - this is a Prometheus-like monitoring solution I work on. It returns the expected integer results from the increase() function.