I want to pass the express req
and res
object to my context because i want to use express-sessions
to do session-based-auth because the default requests
from the context does not know about sessions. Here is what I have tried
app.use("/graphql", (req, res) => {
return createYoga({
context: ({ params }) => {
return {
redis: redisClient,
graphiql: true,
landingPage: false,
cors: false,
But if i try this it seems like the request is not going through.
According to the docs, while running in node.js and express runtime, the context will automatically have the request and response.
Server Context
When creating the server instance, GraphQL Yoga accepts an additional object from your base server framework or library that will be merged with the default context. Node.js (standalone, express and Next.js etc.)
If you are using GraphQL Yoga as a standalone server with createServer from the http(s) module or exposing it as a middleware as we show in the express or Next.js integration recipes.
req - Node.js IncomingMessage object res - Node.js ServerResponse object
The req and res objects are added to the initial context object.
const serverContext = { ...defaultContext, req, res }
Thus, when using @graphql-yoga/node, it is possible to access context.req and context.res within the GraphQL resolvers or the user context factory function.
However, we recommend avoiding using context.req and context.res wherever possible and instead favor context.request, as it is more future-proof and platform independent (as Node.js HTTP servers adopt the Fetch Response API).
I did try this out and the context does have the req and res objects.