I'm working on the following code:
import { prop, modelOptions, DocumentType, getModelForClass } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
import dbConnect from "src/lib/dbConnect";
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
@modelOptions({ schemaOptions: { timestamps: true } })
class Kitten {
public name?: string;
@prop({ type: String, required: true, default: [] })
public events!: mongoose.Types.Array<[string, Date]>;
// also doesn't work:
// public events!: [string, Date][];
// instance method:
public async addEvent(this: DocumentType<Kitten>, _eventName: string) {
const tuple : [string, Date] = [_eventName, new Date()];
await dbConnect();
await this.save();
export const KittenModel = getModelForClass(Kitten);
and when I call addEvent
I get the following error when executing this.events.push(tuple);
error - CastError: Cast to string failed for value "[
]" (type Array)
It seems that the method push is trying to convert the tuple into a string for some reason...
My environment is:
"@typegoose/typegoose": "^10.0.0",
"mongoose": "^6.8.3",
nodejs --version :v16.18.1
Mongoose (and typegoose by extension) dont support tuple arrays unless the field is Mixed
(which is not recommended to be used).
In your case a Map would probably what you search for, if the event names are unique, if they are not unique you may wanna use a nested class to keep the fields explicitly, like:
class EventDate {
public eventName: string;
public date: Date;
class Kitten {
@prop({ type: EventDate, required: true, default: [] })
public events!: mongoose.Types.Array<EventDate>;
public async addEvent(this: DocumentType<Kitten>, _eventName: string) {
this.events.push({ eventName: _eventName, date: new Date() });
await dbConnect();
await this.save();