
how can i solve error ''float' object is not iterable'

im new at python, and try to categorize places an df1 by distance to places in df2, but something gonna wrong

i have 2 dataframes whith coordinate of places

import pandas as pd
import geopy.distance

df1 = pd.DataFrame([['a', 55.88, 37.48],
                   ['b', 55.88, 37.53],
                   ['c', 55.89, 37.45]],
                   columns=['name', 'lat', 'lng']

df1 = pd.DataFrame([['f', 55.81, 37.12],
                   ['g', 55.79, 37.23],
                   ['h', 55.23, 37.21]],
                   columns=['name', 'lat', 'lng']


name lat lng
a 55.88 37.48
b 55.88 37.53
c 55.89 37.45


name lat lng
f 55.81 37.12
g 55.79 37.23
h 55.23 37.21

so, i try to calculate distance between a and f,g,h and if distance to one of this place less than 1000m, append category "close" and else category 'far', and do it for each name in df1

i want this df


name lat lng dist_to_palce
a 55.88 37.48 far
b 55.88 37.53 close
c 55.89 37.45 far

i try this construction

def dist(df1):
    for i in range(len(df1)):
        for j in range(len(df2)):
            if geopy.distance.geodesic(
                tuple(metro[['lat','lng']].iloc[j])).m <1000:
                    return 'close'
            else: return 'far'

 df1['dist_to_place'] = df1.apply(dist, axis=1)           

but i got error 'float' object is not iterable

help me please :C


def dist(df1_row):        
    for j in range(len(df2)):
        if geopy.distance.geodesic(
            tuple(df2[['lat','lng']].iloc[j])).m <1000:
                return 'close'
    return 'far'

df1['dist_to_place'] = df1.apply(dist, axis=1) 


  • import pandas as pd
    import geopy.distance
    df1 = pd.DataFrame({'name':['a', 'b'],'lat':[56.34, 76.56], 'lng':[23.42, 45.34]})
    df2 = pd.DataFrame({'name':['f', 'g'],'lat':[56.45, 76.55], 'lng':[27.42, 40.34]})
    def dist(df1_row):        
        for j in range(len(df2)):
            if geopy.distance.geodesic(
                tuple(df2[['lat','lng']].iloc[j])).m <1000:
                    return 'close'
        return 'far'
    df1['dist_to_place'] = df1.apply(dist, axis=1) 
    1. when you use apply, row is given to your function, not the whole dataframe
    2. you need to return far after the cycle, not inside