I'm a beginner to nodejs and tying to apply authentication using passport, passport-local-mongoose. I have a register page where user can enter mail id and password and click on register button. when user makes a post request by clicking on that button, I want to store the mailid and hash(generated using User.register method from lpassport-local-mongoose) in mongoDB. I'm doing that using passportlocal-mongoose and then wanted to authenticate the user if there are no errors in creating the user.
app.post("/register", function(req, res){
const username = req.body.mailbox;
User.register({username: username}, req.body.passwordbox, function(err, user){
passport.authenticate("local", successRedirect: "/secrets", failureRedirect: "/register")(req, res);
Based on your provided context, you can try this code:
app.post("/register", function(req,res){
const username = req.body.mailid
User.register({username:username}, req.body.password, function(err, user){
passport.authenticate("local")(req, res, function(){
else {
following code using the passport.authenticate() method to authenticate the user, and providing a callback function to redirect to the secrets page if authentication is successful. If an error occurs during user creation, we redirect to the registration page.