
Query GPU memory usage and/or user by PID

I have a list of PIDs of processes running on different GPUs. I want to get the used GPU memory of each process based on its PID. nvidia-smi yields the information I want; however, I don't know how to grep it, as the output is sophisticated. I have already looked for how to do it, but I have not found any straightforward answers.


  • While the default output of nvidia-smi is "sophisticated" or rather formatted for interfacing with humans rather than scripts, the command provides lots of options for use in scripts. The ones most fitting for use case seem to be --query-compute-apps=pid,used_memory specifying the information that you need and --format=csv,noheader,nounits specifying the minimal, machine readable output formatting.

    So the resulting command is

    nvidia-smi --query-compute-apps=pid,used_memory --format=csv,noheader,nounits

    I recommend taking a look at man nvidia-smi for further information and options.