
Scala Reflection issue on accessing case class attributes

I have been able to get a List of attributes for a case class using scala with Reflection.

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

def classAccessors[T: TypeTag]: List[MethodSymbol] = typeOf[T].members.collect {
  case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m 

case class Z(a1: String, b1: String, id: Integer)
val z = classAccessors[Z]

val res1 = => if(x.equals("value id")) "xxx" else x)

However, the .equals does not work, but gives no error -> so I am missing something and I can't google it. Must be something basic.

.replace does not work, how would that go?.

How do I just get a normal List for processing? I note a List[Object]. Did not find anything either in that regard. Mmm. Can someone give an example of not using Reflection?


  • x has type MethodSymbol. So if(x.equals("value id")) "xxx" else x has type Any (aka Object) because this is the minimal supertype of String and MethodSymbol.

    And x.equals("value id") is always false because MethodSymbol and String are different types.


    val res1 = => if (x == "value id") "xxx" else x)


    val res1 = => if (x == "id") "xxx" else x)

    Please notice that Java .equals is like Scala ==, Java == is like Scala eq.