
How to make Cypress test fail if it makes a request that does not have an intercept associated with it?

How to make Cypress test fail if it makes a request that does not have an intercept associated with it?

Let's say cypress navigates to a page and makes 10 requests. How can I make cypress automatically fail if any of those requests are not intercepted. I don't want any requests made from cypress to NOT be mocked.

Is this possible?


  • If you want to check the cy.intercept() coverage of app requests, add a middleware intercept.

    Generally you want the middleware to catch a broad range of URL's, for example all the API calls would be caught with


    Middleware intercepts always see the captured calls first, and then pass them on to remaining intercepts.

    This example checks the GET calls during loading of

    cy.intercept('**/*') // the intercept in my test
                                                       // want to check for unhandled calls
    // Middleware intercept - catches all calls
    const calls = []
    cy.intercept('**/*', { middleware: true }, (req) => {
    cy.visit('')    // now visit the site
    cy.then(() => {
      // Use routes state info to compare handled calls vs all calls
      const handledUrls = Object.values(cy.state('routes'))
        .filter(route => route.alias !== 'all')
        .map(route => Object.values(route.requests)
          .map(interceptedRequest => interceptedRequest.request.url)
      // Find the unhandled calls
      const unhandled = calls.filter(call => !handledUrls.includes(call))
      console.log('Unhandled calls: ', unhandled)

    Logs two unhandled calls:
