I am using Amazon polly for text to speech.
Here is the code
static async _ttsUsingPolly(text, gender, destPath, speed) {
let params = {
'Text': 'Hi, my name is @anaptfox.',
'OutputFormat': 'pcm',
'VoiceId': 'Kimberly',
SampleRate: "8000"
const data = await this.Polly.synthesizeSpeech(params).promise();
if (data.AudioStream instanceof Buffer) {
console.log("buffer", data);
// Initiate the source
const bufferStream = new Stream.PassThrough();
// convert AudioStream into a readable stream
// Pipe into Player
this saves the file to .wav format. destPath
is public\audio\abc\1212_1660649369899.wav.
But when i play this file it says
This file isn’t playable. That might be because the file type is unsupported, the file extension is incorrect, or the file is corrupt.
what is the issue (if someone can explain)? and how can i fix this?
actually this generates the pcm format file, so i tried wav converter
var pcmData = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './audios/audio_wav', fileName))
var wavData = wavConverter.encodeWav(pcmData, {
numChannels: 1,
sampleRate: 8000,
byteRate: 16
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './audios/audio_wav', './16k.wav'), wavData)
pcm generated file is of almost 67KB but converted wav file is of 1KB.
if i change pcm to mp3 in polly params it works.
Any help?
I directly passed the stream to wav-converter
._convertPcmToWav(data.AudioStream, fileName);
static _convertPcmToWav(stream, fileName) {
const wavData = wavConverter.encodeWav(stream, {
numChannels: 1,
sampleRate: 8000,
byteRate: 2
const wavFileName = path.parse(fileName).name;
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './audios/audio_wav', `./${wavFileName}.wav`), wavData)
now the file is generated correctly and playable.