What counts as a serverless function?
I had a website, https://contribute.meyabase.com/, which has been existing on Next Js for a while and recently while trying to deploy, I get the error
Error: No more than 12 Serverless Functions can be added to a Deployment on the Hobby plan. Create a team (Pro plan) to deploy more.
I don't use getStaticPaths
or getIntitialProps
. All I use is SWR
. The only functions I have are auth0.com
API routes (6 of them).
Below is the build logs
[21:26:55.979] Cloning github.com/axelmukwena/meyabase-contribute-client (Branch: main, Commit: 7cd2594)
[21:26:56.636] Cloning completed: 656.77ms
[21:26:59.495] Restored build cache
[21:26:59.537] Running "vercel build"
[21:27:00.000] Vercel CLI 28.13.0
[21:27:00.255] Warning: When using Next.js, it is recommended to place Node.js Serverless Functions inside of the `pages/api` (provided by Next.js) directory instead of `api` (provided by Vercel). Learn More: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction
[21:27:00.771] Installing dependencies...
[21:27:01.921] up to date in 877ms
[21:27:01.921] 102 packages are looking for funding
[21:27:01.921] run `npm fund` for details
[21:27:01.933] Detected Next.js version: 13.0.3
[21:27:01.938] Detected `package-lock.json` generated by npm 7+...
[21:27:01.939] Running "npm run build"
[21:27:02.247] > meyabase-contribute-client@0.1.0 build
[21:27:02.248] > next build
[21:27:02.782] info - Linting and checking validity of types...
[21:27:33.133] info - Creating an optimized production build...
[21:28:27.861] info - Compiled successfully
[21:28:27.861] info - Collecting page data...
[21:28:34.338] info - Generating static pages (0/35)
[21:28:34.607] info - Generating static pages (8/35)
[21:28:34.847] info - Generating static pages (17/35)
[21:28:35.011] info - Generating static pages (26/35)
[21:28:35.200] info - Generating static pages (35/35)
[21:28:35.250] info - Finalizing page optimization...
[21:28:35.280] Route (pages) Size First Load JS
[21:28:35.280] ┌ ○ / 5.03 kB 379 kB
[21:28:35.280] ├ /_app 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.280] ├ ○ /[username] 4.1 kB 396 kB
[21:28:35.280] ├ ○ /404 841 B 258 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /500 775 B 258 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /about 5.13 kB 335 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /account 1.91 kB 289 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /admin 5.12 kB 373 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /admin/articles 5.31 kB 413 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /admin/audio 644 B 258 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /admin/paragraphs 4.37 kB 412 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /admin/sentences 5.11 kB 373 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ ○ /admin/users 6.83 kB 289 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ λ /api/auth/[...auth0] 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.281] ├ λ /api/auth/callback 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ λ /api/auth/login 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ λ /api/auth/logout 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ λ /api/auth/me 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ λ /api/auth/signup 0 B 221 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ ○ /articles 1.53 kB 381 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ ○ /articles/[articleSlug] 2.03 kB 373 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ ○ /competition 4.42 kB 334 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ ○ /login 1.19 kB 233 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ ○ /paragraphs 5.75 kB 379 kB
[21:28:35.282] ├ ○ /paragraphs/[paragraphSlug] 2.79 kB 382 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /privacy-policy 5.93 kB 336 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /rankings 631 B 258 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /recordings 5.2 kB 373 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /recordings/[recordingSlug] 2.65 kB 370 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /reports 4.45 kB 377 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /reports/[reportSlug] 3.55 kB 373 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /search 13.3 kB 383 kB
[21:28:35.283] ├ ○ /sentences 698 B 258 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /sentences/[sentenceSlug] 3.36 kB 385 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /signup 1.21 kB 233 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /suggestions 9.57 kB 303 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /suggestions/[suggestionSlug] 4.65 kB 285 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /terms-of-service 7.56 kB 337 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /translations 4.82 kB 381 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /translations/[translationSlug] 2.57 kB 372 kB
[21:28:35.284] ├ ○ /words 6.59 kB 378 kB
[21:28:35.284] └ ○ /words/[wordSlug] 2.59 kB 370 kB
[21:28:35.284] + First Load JS shared by all 222 kB
[21:28:35.285] ├ chunks/framework-05c5206d76924e06.js 45.7 kB
[21:28:35.285] ├ chunks/main-1a2cd11733cdaa06.js 31.9 kB
[21:28:35.285] ├ chunks/pages/_app-86a6c0b57a58efc3.js 142 kB
[21:28:35.285] ├ chunks/webpack-8b448ac738e18d4a.js 1.37 kB
[21:28:35.285] └ css/daa1d5f9bb57d053.css 690 B
[21:28:35.285] λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
[21:28:35.285] ○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
[21:28:36.585] Traced Next.js server files in: 1.097s
[21:28:37.694] Created all serverless functions in: 1.106s
[21:28:37.720] Collected static files (public/, static/, .next/static): 21.326ms
[21:28:37.959] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:42.910] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:45.281] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:45.565] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:45.712] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:45.878] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.049] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.187] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.341] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.483] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.633] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.907] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:46.997] Using TypeScript 4.7.4 (local user-provided)
[21:28:47.211] Build Completed in /vercel/output [2m]
[21:28:49.879] Error: No more than 12 Serverless Functions can be added to a Deployment on the Hobby plan. Create a team (Pro plan) to deploy more.
Although it doesn't have to do with Next.Js, I had the same experience with another kind of application I'm developing. At first I thought it might be the number of endpoints my Python application has with FastAPI, but according to a comment I read on a forum "Every route you declared in the vercel.json file is a serverless function". This means what I declared in "builds":[{"src": "src/*.py"}]. In my case the number of .py files increased from a few to more than 12, but actually my API is concentrated in a single index.py
file, in which all endpoints are declared. The solution was to change "builds":[{"src": "src/index.py"}] (without the *.py
wildcard). In other words, each .py file was taken as a function.