I have a dataset which have an xml column and i am trying to export individual xmls as files with filename being in another column using codeworkbook
I filtered the rows i want using below code
def prepare_input(xml_with_debug):
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
filter_column = "key"
filter_value = "test_key"
df_filtered = xml_with_debug.filter(filter_value == F.col(filter_column))
approx_number_of_rows = 1
sample_percent = float(approx_number_of_rows) / df_filtered.count()
df_sampled = df_filtered.sample(False, sample_percent, seed=0)
important_columns = ["key", "xml"]
return df_sampled.select([F.col(c).cast(F.StringType()).alias(c) for c in important_columns])
It works till here. Now for the last part i tried this in a python task, but was complaining about the parameters (i should have set it up wrongly). But even if it works it will be as a single file i think.
from transforms.api import transform, Input, Output
def my_compute_function(output, my_input):
output.write_dataframe(my_input.dataframe().coalesce(1), output_format="csv", options={"header": "true"})
I am trying to set it up in GUI like below
My question i guess is, what will be the code in the last Python task (write_file) after the prepare input so that i extract individual xmls (And if possible zip them into single file for download)
You can access the output dataset filesystem and write files into it in whatever format you want.
The documentation for that can be found here: https://www.palantir.com/docs/foundry/code-workbook/transforms-unstructured/#writing-files
(If you want to do it from a code repository it's very similar https://www.palantir.com/docs/foundry/transforms-python/unstructured-files/#writing-files)
By doing that you can create multiple different files or you can create a single zip file and write it into a dataset.