Say you have a Pandas df
that contains the OHLC (short for the Open, High, Low, Close) prices of a particular financial asset.
Also, you have two other Pandas dataframes to consider, one of them called upper_bound
that contains a series of prices which are above the close price, and the other called lower_bound
that contains a series of prices which are below the close price.
All the necessary data can be found here.
All of these Pandas dataframes share the same index, and this is how it would look like once plotted everything in a single candlestick chart (The pink trend represents the upper_bound
, while the white trend represents the lower_bound
You need to:
is lower or equal to the lower bound value.df
is greater or equal to the upper bound value.possible_long_entries
I wrote the following Python code in order to solve this problem:
# Find all the possible long entries that could have been made considering the information above
possible_long_entries = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Actual Percentage Change', 'Start Index', 'End Index'])
while i < (len(df)-1):
if df['Low Price'][i] <= lower_bound[i]:
lower_index = i
j = i + 1
while j < (len(df)-1):
if df['High Price'][j] >= upper_bound[j]:
upper_index = j
percentage_change = (upper_bound.iat[upper_index] - lower_bound.iat[lower_index]) / lower_bound.iat[lower_index] * 100
possible_long_entries = possible_long_entries.append({'Actual Percentage Change':percentage_change,'Start Index': lower_index, 'End Index':upper_index},ignore_index=True)
i = j + 1
j += 1
i += 1
The problem with this code is the fact that it kinda enters in an infinite loop when i
equals to 407, not sure why. After I manually stopped the execution, I checked out the possible_long_entries
and these were data that it managed to extract:
final_dict = {'Actual Percentage Change': {0: 3.694220620875114, 1: 2.4230128905797654, 2: 2.1254433367789014, 3: 2.9138599524587625, 4: 3.177040784650736, 5: 1.0867515559002843, 6: 0.08567173253550972, 7: 0.19999498819328332, 8: 3.069342080456284, 9: 1.467935498997383, 10: -0.6867540630203672, 11: 2.019389675661748, 12: 3.1057216745256353, 13: 1.758775161828502}, 'Start Index': {0: 17.0, 1: 50.0, 2: 89.0, 3: 106.0, 4: 113.0, 5: 132.0, 6: 169.0, 7: 193.0, 8: 237.0, 9: 271.0, 10: 285.0, 11: 345.0, 12: 374.0, 13: 401.0}, 'End Index': {0: 38.0, 1: 62.0, 2: 101.0, 3: 109.0, 4: 118.0, 5: 146.0, 6: 185.0, 7: 206.0, 8: 251.0, 9: 281.0, 10: 322.0, 11: 361.0, 12: 396.0, 13: 406.0}}
possible_long_entries = pd.DataFrame(final_dict)
May I get some help here please?
Finally managed to deal with it. The code below works well assumming you have already copypasted the OHLC Price, upper bound, lower bound data left here. I'm open to learn a better way to get the same output.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 1 03:11:46 2023
@author: Noah
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Timestamp
from numpy import nan
import mplfinance as mpf
def set_DateTimeIndex(df_trading_pair):
df_trading_pair = df_trading_pair.set_index('Start Date', inplace=False)
# Rename the column names for best practices
df_trading_pair.rename(columns = { "Open Price" : 'Open',
"High Price" : 'High',
"Low Price" : 'Low',
"Close Price" :'Close',
}, inplace = True)
return df_trading_pair
### Here you assign the data to the variables `dict`, `df`, `dict_upper`, `upper_bound`, `dict_lower`, `lower_bound` ###
# trading pair name
trading_pair = "APTUSDT"
# Calculate moving average and std deviation of the close price
window_size = 14
rolling_mean = df['Close Price'].rolling(window=window_size).mean()
rolling_std = df['Close Price'].rolling(window=window_size).std()
# Calculate the upper and lower bounds of the close price based on the moving average and std deviation
upper_bound = rolling_mean + 2 * rolling_std
lower_bound = rolling_mean - 2 * rolling_std
# Create masks to know at which indices the df["Low Price"] was equal or lower than the lower bound
# as well as which indices the df["High Price"] was equal or greater than the upper bound
mask_low = df["Low Price"] <= lower_bound
mask_high = df["High Price"] >= upper_bound
upper_indices = list(mask_high[mask_high].index)
lower_indices = list(mask_low[mask_low].index)
# Now figure out which had been the possible long entries that had been made using the information above
# Keep in mind that this assumes the long entries made reached exactly the corresponding values of the `upper_bound`
data = {"Start Index": [lower_indices[0]], "Endt Index": []}
entry = lower_indices[0]
data = {"Start Index": [], "End Index": []}
entry = lower_indices[0]
for i in range(len(upper_indices)):
exit = upper_indices[i]
if exit > entry:
data["Start Index"].append(entry)
data["End Index"].append(exit)
next_entries = [x for x in lower_indices if x > entry and x > exit]
if len(next_entries) > 0:
entry = next_entries[0]
possible_long_entries= pd.DataFrame(data)
possible_long_entries['Bullish Percentage Change'] = (upper_bound[possible_long_entries['End Index']].values - lower_bound[possible_long_entries['Start Index']].values)/(lower_bound[possible_long_entries['Start Index']].values)*100
# Mark the possible long entries, in order to do this first create an NaN df that contains the same indices as the original df
# Then assign to each index of the possible_long_entries df its corresponding price from the lower_bound
df_mark_entry_points = pd.DataFrame([float('nan')]*len(df),index=df.index,columns=['Bullish Entries'])
for ix,val in zip(possible_long_entries['Start Index'].values,lower_bound[possible_long_entries['Start Index']].values):
df_mark_entry_points.loc[ix] = val
# Mark the possible take-profits assuming the highest price would have reached the upper_bound, in order to do this first create an NaN df that contains the same indices as the original df
# Then assign to each index of the possible_long_entries df its corresponding price from the upper_bound
df_mark_tp_points = pd.DataFrame([float('nan')]*len(df),index=df.index,columns=['Bullish Entries'])
for ix,val in zip(possible_long_entries['End Index'].values,upper_bound[possible_long_entries['End Index']].values):
df_mark_tp_points.loc[ix] = val
# Store the plots of upper and lower bounds as well as the possible long entries for later use
plots_to_add = [mpf.make_addplot(upper_bound,color='#F93BFF'), mpf.make_addplot(lower_bound,color='white'), mpf.make_addplot(df_mark_entry_points,type='scatter',markersize=50,marker='^', color='#00FFE0'), mpf.make_addplot(df_mark_tp_points,type='scatter',markersize=50,marker='v', color='#FFF000')]
# Estimate the percentage change from the lower bound to the uppder bound
bullish_percentage_change_between_bounds = round((upper_bound-lower_bound)/lower_bound*100,2)
bullish_percentage_change_between_bounds.rename('Bulllish Pct Chg', inplace = True)
#If the skewness is between -0.5 and 0.5, the data are fairly symmetrical
#If the skewness is between -1 and — 0.5 or between 0.5 and 1, the data are moderately skewed
#If the skewness is less than -1 or greater than 1, the data are highly skewed
#Kurtosis applied to Financial Markets:
skewness_value = bullish_percentage_change_between_bounds.skew()
kurtosis_value = bullish_percentage_change_between_bounds.kurt()
if (abs(skewness_value) > 0.5):
# Use the median to properly estimate the return on investment per trade
expected_roi = bullish_percentage_change_between_bounds.median()
if kurtosis_value > 3:
print(f'The bullish percentage change between bounds follows a Leptokurtic distribution, and the expected roi is {expected_roi}%')
elif kurtosis_value < 3:
print(f'The bullish percentage change between bounds follows a Platikurtic distribution, and the expected roi is {expected_roi}%')
elif (abs(skewness_value) <= 0.5):
# Use the mean to properly estimate the return on investment per trade
expected_roi = bullish_percentage_change_between_bounds.mean()
if kurtosis_value > 3:
print(f'The bullish percentage change between bounds follows a Leptokurtic distribution, and the expected roi is {expected_roi}%')
elif kurtosis_value < 3:
print(f'The bullish percentage change between bounds follows a Platikurtic distribution, and the expected roi is {expected_roi}%')
# Plot the Close Price, Moving average, upper and lower bounds using a line chart.
# Plotting
# Create my own `marketcolors` style:
mc = mpf.make_marketcolors(up='#2fc71e',down='#ed2f1a',inherit=True)
# Create my own `MatPlotFinance` style:
s = mpf.make_mpf_style(base_mpl_style=['bmh', 'dark_background'],marketcolors=mc, y_on_right=True)
# Plot it
candlestick_plot, axlist = mpf.plot(df_trading_pair_date_time_index,
figratio=(10, 6),
datetime_format = '%b %d, %H:%M:%S',
ylabel = "Precio ($)",
warn_too_much_data=870, # Silence the Too Much Data Plot Warning by setting a value greater than the amount of rows you want to be plotted
addplot = plots_to_add # Add the upper and lower bounds plots as well as the bullish entries to the main plot
# Add Title
symbol = trading_pair.replace("USDT", "")+"/"+"USDT"
axlist[0].set_title(f"{symbol} - 15m", fontsize=45, style='italic', fontfamily='fantasy')
The bullish percentage change between bounds follows a Leptokurtic distribution, and the expected roi is 3.57%