
Visitor Pattern Error(use undefined type)

I am studying visiting patterns. However, the following error occurs. not defined. The cat class only has its own name and age. agevisitor and namevisitor, which inherit Visitor interface, output age and name.

I tried forward declaration, but the error of C2027 appears as it is. help me :(

that's my code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Visitor;

class Cat
    Cat(string name, int age) : name_(name), age_(age) {}

    void Speak() {
        cout << "meow" << endl;

    void Accept(Visitor* visitor) {
        cout << "use implementation of visitor" << endl;
        visitor->visit(this); // #undefined type error

    string name_;
    int age_;

    friend class AgeVisitor;
    friend class NameVisitor;

class Visitor
    virtual void visit(Cat* cat) {}

class AgeVisitor : public Visitor
    virtual void visit(Cat* cat) {
        cout << "cat is " << cat->age_ << "years old" << endl;

class NameVisitor : public Visitor
    virtual void visit(Cat* cat) {
        cout << "cat's name is " << cat->name_ << endl;

int main()
    Cat* first_cat = new Cat{ "kitty", 5 };
    Visitor* age_visitor = new AgeVisitor();

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2027 use of undefined type 'Visitor' DesignPattern C:\Users\sueng\source\repos\DesignPattern\DesignPattern\DesignPattern.cpp 18


  • In case of circular dependency like in the Visitor pattern, ideally you should first decompose your code into headers and sources. This is because forward declared classes have incomplete type, so you can use pointers and references to them, you can also use them as return types, but you can't use any of their methods or create an actual instance either on the stack or dynamically, because the class layout is not known at the time.

    Example Cat.hpp:

    class Visitor;
    class AgeVisitor;  // needed just for the friend declaration
    class NamedVisitor;
    class Cat
        Cat(string name, int age);
        void Accept(Visitor* visitor);  // note that we only declare the class Cat, no methods definitions
        string name_;
        int age_;
        friend class AgeVisitor;
        friend class NameVisitor;

    Then Visitor.h and similar in case of NamedVisitor.h etc ... :

    class Cat;
    class Visitor
        virtual void visit(Cat* cat);

    And then in Cat.cpp you can include the headers with the visitors definitions which allows you to use their methods:

    #include "Cat.hpp"
    #include "Visitor.hpp"
    Cat::Cat(string name, int age): name_(name), age_(age) {}
    void Cat::Accept(Visitor* visitor) {
        cout << "use implementation of visitor" << endl;
        visitor->visit(this);  // now you can use it, because Visitor class declaration is available

    Alternatively you can copy-paste all the code in the presented order to your main.cpp but it's a bad habit. Live demo with everything copy-pasted in 1 source.