
How to connect HiveMqtt to React app using mqtt package

I am trying to connect my react application to HiveMQ using mqtt.js package but I am having this error.

Screenshot of the error

This is the code I used

useEffect(() => {
        const options: IClientOptions = {
          protocol: "ws",
          username: "myfirstdevice",
          password: "qweqwe123",

        const client = mqtt.connect('ws://', options);
        // const client = mqtt.connect(options);
        client.on('connect', function () {
        client.on('error', function (error) {
            console.log("ERROR", error);
        client.on('message', (topic,message,packet)=>{
            console.log("RECEIVE", topic)
            console.log("RECEIVE", message)
            console.log("RECEIVE", packet)
      }, []);


  • Port 8884 is for MQTT over Secure WebSockets

    You'll need to change the URL to start with wss:// not ws://