
NoSQL Database for Online Money Transaction Management?

I am planning to use a NoSQL database like MongoDB as the back-end for my web product. For design concept, there would be around daily minimum 1,000 users. I have doubts:

  1. I have read in a blog that NoSQL database are not so good for Online Money Transaction i.e. where data integrity is highest importance: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.

  2. Will also availability be a problem?

Are there more pros and cons related to NoSQL database? Can MongoDB satisfy data integrity and availability?


  • NoSQL databases are there to solve several things, mainly:

    (to your questions)

    (from your comments)

    Expanding is a very relative term. "Financial industry is pretty expanded", and they still mostly use RDBMS for day to day operations. Facebook uses MySQL. Major banks, I did work for, use Oracle / MySQL / PostgreSQL / DB2 / etc.. and only some of them do use NoSQL, but NOT for data that requires 100% consistency all the time. Even Facebook uses Cassandra only for things like "inbox search". But if by expand you mean more data and more users ( requests, connections, etc.. ), NoSQL will be a lot easier to scale. Again, it does not mean that you can't scale RDBMS, it is just more tedious/complicated.

    In my experience, if I build a system that is any good, I ALWAYS have to think about the schema. NoSQL databases allow you to be a bit more flexible with the data you persist, but it does not mean you should think about the schema any less. Think of indexing the data for example, or sharding it over multiple clusters, or even contracts/interfaces that you may expose to clients, etc..

    I would not say this is true in general, unless we are talking about BigData. Take PostgreSQL for example. It is an extremely awesome piece of software, that is quite easy to work with and maintain. Another plus to RDBMS world => people feel A LOT more comfortable with SQL. For that reason, for example, Cassandra guys, released CQL in 0.8, which is a very limited subset of SQL. Terms like maintenance also should stand shoulder to shoulder with terms like Talent, Knowledge, Expertise. Since if you use Cassandra, for instance, that girl is a very "high maintenance", but not for guys from DataStax who do have Expertise, but you'd have to pay for that.

    Your Main Question

    Without truly knowing what your product is, it is hard to say whether a NoSQL database would / would not be a good fit. If the primary goal of the product is "Online Money Transaction", then I would suggest against NoSQL database ( at least today in the year of 2011 ). If "Online Money Transaction" is just one of the requirements, but not "the core" of your product, depending on what "the core" is, you can definitely give NoSQL database a try, and for example use an external service to process (e.g. Google Checkout, etc..) your transactions with a guaranteed consistency.

    As a technical note, if the problem you are trying to solve benefits from being solved with distribution, I would recommend databases that are written in Erlang ( e.g. Riak, CouchDB, etc. ), since Erlang as a language already solves successfully most of distributed things for decades.