
Remove Colouring on Links in LaTeX Template

I am using LaTeX in Overleaf with a template from my university. It has these coloured \ref and \cite links in the PDF viewer, which I find very annoying. Does anyone know what settings creates these colours (see image below)? I have never seen them before in any of my LaTeX documents.

Image showing green highlighted text

These are the settings at the top of the page:


% Activating style packages

% Settings for referencing (via Natbib)
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

% Graphicx package and hyper referencing

\usepackage{graphicx} % Handles import graphics
\usepackage{hyperref} % Hyper referencing
\usepackage{lscape}   % Landscape positioning pages
\usepackage{url}      % Include url codes
\usepackage{booktabs} % Book quality tables

% Font selection
\usepackage{palatino} % Set palatino font
\usepackage{mathpazo} % Idem, but for math environment

% Graphics settings

% Removing indentation, include french (non US) spacing


% Activate tikz and include some specific packages
\usetikzlibrary{snakes, calc, positioning}

% Latex logo (unclear what you need it for)

% Blank page
} % end new command
% Hyper setup
    pdftitle = {My thesis},
    pdfauthor = {My name},
    pdfsubject = {My topic},


  • I found a solution in an old feed:

    The following didn't work for me: \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}

    What did work was:
